The Holidays 

The holidays are all about spending time with the ones we love the most.  But with that, they can also involve drinking or partying more than usual. Although the holidays are considered to be the happiest time of the year, it is important to be educated about the consequences of having too much fun.  By that, we mean what happens when one is under the influence and driving.  Being that the DUI statistics increase every year around the holidays, we want you to avoid one at all costs.  

27 people die each day of December due to drunk driving.  In Arizona alone, this past Thanksgiving, 420 people were arrested for DUI.  Even worse, the holiday season accounts for 40% of the year’s traffic deaths. These statistics are terrifying and need to go down. Don’t let your Holiday intoxication ruin the most joyful time of the year due to getting behind the wheel. Your safety is the most important thing for us.

Here are 3 ways to avoid a DUI during the holidays:

  • Ridesharing

If you or someone is under the influence, ride-sharing is the safest and smartest option.  Ride-sharing makes it so easy you don’t even need to put a finger on the wheel – they do it all.  Even if it means leaving your car somewhere and getting it the next day, it’s worth it. Companies like Uber and Lyft make it so convenient and affordable that there is really no excuse to drunk drive.  The great thing is they are usually so accessible they can arrive in a matter of minutes. They will take you to your exact location, and you will be happy you didn’t risk your life.  You even have the option to split the cost of the ride with family or friends making it even more affordable. All in all, if you feel like you or someone you know is dangerous to drive, call rideshare. You will always regret it if you or someone you loved got behind the wheel and something happened.  Don’t take the risk, call a ride-share.

  • Limit Yourself At Parties

We all know that one of the best parts about the holidays is the parties. Whether you are at a family gathering, Secret Santa with friends, or a company party – drinking is often involved.  While it is understandable everyone wants to have a good time, there should also be a limit. When going to a party, one of the first things you should think of is how you are getting home. You should always make this a priority before you drink as once alcohol gets in the body, judgment can go down.  If you know your alcohol tolerance, you will be more likely to avoid poor decisions.

Try to limit yourself to not drinking beyond your personal tolerance, even if people are encouraging it.  One way to avoid drinking too much at parties is to drink a glass of water between each drink. Another thing you can do is bring your own drinks – even non-alcoholic beverages. Then, of course, another option is just saying “no thanks”. As much fun as holiday parties can be, don’t forget the main purpose behind them.  Alcohol never has to be involved, it is just an option.

  • Look Out For Speed Traps

Speed traps are always something to be aware of, sober or not.  During the holiday’s especially, cities have more speed traps than usual to promote safety.  With people traveling all over the country, cops know people are trying to hurry to their destination.  Other than the obvious tip of “don’t speed”, it is also important to not drink alcohol if driving. Nationwide, the legal driving alcohol limit is .08%.  Even if you do not feel drunk or only had a few drinks, you will still get a DUI if you blow over .08%. But of course, you can avoid this at all costs by not driving even after one drink.  It is important to be aware of this rule and the speed traps set up around you – for your safety and others. 

We Can Help After a Holiday DUI

All in all, we wish everyone the happiest of holiday’s this season.  While we encourage you to make memories with your loved ones, we also encourage you to be safe.  Please protect yourself and others from the dangers on the roads by following our tips – now and always!  Nothing is more important than safety, and I know we would all love to see the DUI rates go down.  If for some reason you or someone you know is involved in a DUI this holiday season, please let us help you.  

Our DUI Defense Team can help you through the process and assure you that you are not alone.