Lawyer for Shoplifting & Property Crime | Criminal Defense Attorneys

TUCSON property crime attorney

In Arizona, there are a variety of offenses that fall under the category of property crimes. Theft is the most common, but this category also includes criminal damage/vandalism. If you’re facing criminal charges, it’s essential to have an experienced Tucson property crime attorney on your side.

criminal damage

Criminal damage is the reckless destruction of the property of another (Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) 13-1602 and 13-1604). Examples of criminal damage include graffiti, smashing windows, slashing tires, destroying mailboxes, throwing eggs, and keying cars. Even though some of these activities seem like pranks, if you are convicted, you will be held legally accountable.

Criminal damage charges can range from a class 2 misdemeanor up to a class 4 felony. In addition to the potential for jail time, fines, court fees, or probation, a person convicted of criminal damage can expect to be ordered by the court to pay restitution to the victim. That restitution order can be enforced by the contempt power of the court or as a hold on property against future earnings.


ARS 13-1802 gives a broad definition of theft that can include many different types of actions. Examples include controlling another’s property with the intent to deprive them of such property or obtaining services or property through misrepresentation. Even possessing a lost or misdelivered item without making a reasonable effort to notify the true owner can result in theft charges.

In addition to the generation definition under ARS 13-1802, Arizona law defines various more specific types of theft which have different charges associated with them.

Criminal damage charges can range from a class 2 misdemeanor up to a class 4 felony. In addition to the potential for jail time, fines, court fees, or probation, a person convicted of criminal damage can expect to be ordered by the court to pay restitution to the victim. That restitution order can be enforced by the contempt power of the court or as a hold on property against future earnings.

These include

    Shoplifting can include directly stealing from a place of business. In addition, you can face charges for switching containers, paying less than the worth of an item, or switching price tags to get a lower price. Shoplifting less than $1,000.00 of merchandise is considered a class 1 misdemeanor (ARS 13-1805) and can result in a maximum sentence of 6 months in jail and up to $2,500 in fines. As the value of the items taken increases, the fines, and potential incarceration increase as well.

    Robbery is an act of theft that involves the use or threat of force in order to take property from someone against their will. ARS 13-1902 defines this crime, and it is a class 4 felony. Aggravated robbery, defined in ARS 13-1903, is a class 3 felony and applies if there was more than one person committing the crime or if the perpetrator(s) seriously injured the victim. Armed robbery, per ARS 13-1904 is robbery with a deadly weapon or simulated deadly weapon and is a class 2 felony.

    Entering someone else’s property with the intent to commit theft or any felony is known as burglary and is defined by ARS 13-1506, ARS 13-1507, and ARS 13-1508. It can range from a class 4 felony to a class 2 felony depending on the circumstances. Although burglary does not always involve theft, this is the most common motivation.


If you’ve been charged with shoplifting, vandalism, or another property crime, our attorneys can help you. We will fight to protect your rights and achieve the best possible outcome in your case.

Contact us today for a free consultation with our Tucson property crime attorneys.


If you’ve been charged with shoplifting, vandalism, or another property time, our attorneys can help you. We will fight to protect your rights and achieve the best possible outcome in your case.

Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your criminal case.
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